MEC Overview
MEC additionally provides direct distribution coverage through its dedicated sales force. MEC provides its customers with exclusive and exceptional services that no other distributor can match.
Our manufacturing site is roughly 17000 square meters in size. Abou Rawash Zone is located near kilo 28 Cairo-Alexandria road. The plant occupies an area of approximately 4000 square meters. As well as “4500 meter square” warehouse areas.
●Middle East Chemicals MEC was established in 1975 as a limited liability company in 1975 and is involved in the local manufacturing of personal care items such as shaving cream, shaving gel, shaving foam, after shave, and cologne.
●The plant site area is 17000 square meters and is located at kilo 28 Cairo-Alexandria route, Abou Rowash Zone.
●The Company also offers principal contract packing arrangements including filling of toothpastes, creams, lotions, shampoos, splashes and gels.
●The plant occupation area is around 4000-square meters. As well as “4500-meter square” warehouse areas.
MEC Market Share
MEC Market Share
MEC Market Share